Post by Xinzerella on Jul 16, 2002 13:47:33 GMT
If she's had 2 teeth out, maybe she should have 2 treats. Or does the Tooth Fairy only leave one treat per dental emergency? Maybe it depends on which Tooth Fairy is patrolling the area. ;D
Post by Denny on Jul 16, 2002 22:40:04 GMT
My daughter and son-in-law have two Siamese, Monty and Purssia, who were infected by the Snuffles virus when just a few days old and this has left them with (as well as other problems) very delicate stomachs - they vomit a lot. The cats sleep in their bed and the worst recent episode was when one of them chucked up down the bottom of the bed in the middle of the night. There were very grim mutterings as they remade the bed but the cats still sleep with them!
Post by Ann on Jul 16, 2002 23:17:59 GMT
I hope both girls have recovered well from their ordeal and have deigned to talk to you again by now. There's nothing like a cat giving you the cold shoulder!
I've woken up once or twice to the distant sound of a cat being sick in the middle of the night. I tread very warily when I get up the next morning!
Post by tutsmom on Jul 17, 2002 1:47:01 GMT
I'm trying to figure out why the cuddle inevitably throw up on the bed right after I change the sheets. Or worse, while I'm at work, so that when I come home I find it drying on the sheets or sometimes find it after I get under the covers--few things are as depressing as stretching out and smearing cat yuke all over your leg.
Not too long ago, much to my great embarassment, I didn't see that I had stepped in some throw up complete with hairball and food. It somehow stayed on my shoe until I walked into a very crowded meeting and left a trail of cat throw-up for all to see.
Here, it is a constant battle, and one that I'm losing. But I'd rather put up with it than have no cats to keep me out of trouble. I'm just so fortunate to have such wonderful companions.
Post by steandjaki on Jul 20, 2002 12:30:32 GMT
is this something that cats grow into as our spook has never ever done it?? stephen
Post by steandjaki on Jul 20, 2002 12:31:59 GMT
btw here in spainland we don't have a tooth fairy - we have a tooth MOUSE!!
Post by Daisy on Jul 20, 2002 14:39:01 GMT
;)Well here we are, it's Saturday and Misty is fine - Daisy (poor lamb) is on 4 antibiotics a day, 2 little pink pills and 2 capsules. Pink pills fine - prise open mouth and throw pill down throat, shut mouth and stroke throat. Capsules - YOU MUST BE JOKING! We tried everything and when we called the vets were told that she had to have them or she would have to be taken in every day for an intra-muscular injection.
We mixed the powder with Marmite - too much needed to hide all the powder. Sprinkled it on her dried food - she snuffled and blew the lot off. In the end resorted to dissolving the powder in a drop of hot water, mixing with cold milk, and then sucking up into a small syringe. Grab cat and wrap tightly in a fleece and then squirt through the corner of her mouth - not easy at 7.30 a.m.
Went for their checks today - absolutely fine, in fact so fine that the 3 capsules which were wasted with the abortive efforts don't have to be replaced, so there's one at about 7.30 tonight and then I've done - she may speak to me again by then.
Thought I'd be a good mum and sit with them for the afternoon of their return dishing out loads of love, tlc and sympathy. Waste of time, home they came and out of their travel box like a pair of whippets from a trap - sniffed everything in site and declared that they hadn't had breakfast and wanted some NOW! Just a little the vet said as they'd probably be sick - first course of fish didn't even touch the sides and Daisy was so keen for the second course that she climbed across the lit cooker (gas!) to get to it.
Next day they were back on to their normal dried biscuits as if nothing had happened. Daisy's still rather wary if I approach with that determined look in my eye and as soon as we started shutting doors this morning to trap them in one room, they high tailed it under the spare bed. Late for our appointed but vet's understood the reason - cat hunting.
The girls would like to thank their friends for their kind thoughts and best wishes and want to tell you all that there's nothing to it - load of fuss about nothing!
P.S. nice to have cats you can get close too now without having to hold your nose.
Post by Ann on Jul 20, 2002 20:14:42 GMT
<is this something that cats grow into as our spook has never ever done it??>
Not as far as I'm aware. The cats I've had seem to have been born with the capacity to be sick at regular intervals and in the most inconvenient places! I think if Spook hasn't shown any signs by now, you're probably safe.
Glad to hear Daisy and Misty have both made good recoveries, even if it did take a few years off your life in the process!